Version 2.0 is now up!! The changes list can be found on the first post. We tried to take into account everything that had been said, and...
Doubt it'll be a new forge, seeing as the two are only similar in the way that you're controlling somthing... it's about as much a new forge as...
It's a thread for posting map requests, did you gather that much? If so, then the dumpster doors is just refering to the doors made by having...
Not really, I work much much better in a group than I do by myself. It depends on the person. I find working with a partner in forge allows me...
Most objects in forge can be used. Just use common sense, no Shield Doors etc. Try to use just the following. Single/Double boxes (closed an...
The following is off the website, all current and up to date. All Games Primary Weapon = Battle Rifle Custom Powerup...
Designing a Map Map Design, at least for me, can be the most challenging part of creating a great map. Some times, I'll start on a map, and...
Posting your Map Your map post is what is going to get your map it's downloads. Despite this, many people post a simple "This is a col map...
Spammer, don't try to increase your post count like that, you'l just get temp-banned for it. And HTML dosen't work on the forums. Don't his thread...
Hey all, I've see a lot of new map posts comming up lately that just don't meet the standard by a tiny fraction. I've thought about this,...
Having an enclosed map severly limits it's ability to host MLG gametypes, as Snipers and BRs need similar sight-lines. If the snipers are at a...
To get the screenshots working... 1) Take on Halo 3 while connected to Live 2) Once they upload to, go to your Gamertag and find...
Nice looking map on the whole. The interlocking is brilliant, but the excessive use of barriers makes the map look cheap. (I really don't like...
Looks very nice! 3 power weapons seems a little excessive though... for a Foundry MLG map at least. Snipers tend to be too overpowered on foundry...
yeah, I've had it a lot too... If you're very very close tofinishing the map, it seems to fix it if you delete a load of unnessacerry items. I...
Lay off him guys. Undoing, the best way to get downloads is to have a detailed map post, telling about how the map was made, discribing the...
>.< Thanks for the typo fix. Sorry, i only had a min or so to type that up, I had a meeting to get to (goin' to Japan with school =P). And the...
From the pictures it doesn't look like an MLG map at all. Is it set-up for the MLG gametypes? Flag/KotH/Ball? Also, what's outside the central...
The Mauler doesn't see any use, the map design is too open for it. Plus, the Brute Shot works wonders in Doubles, one player with the BR, the...
Short of a grenade jump onto a corner box, then another over the wall, there's no way to get out. And intentionally lowering your shields in a map...