Hi , .. any one who wants to make any or a few mini games? maybe based on infection based style please pm
Verry well forged 5/5!
hey verry cool door's . . hope to see this on a map . shame bungie havent made door's or gates with switches .. I think this would be cool just...
Wow this map looks amazing and amazingly asthetic, can i ask where the hammer spawns is that a lift or a tunel? please pm me thanks
yes i love to use stairs as walls because they work really well , as the stairs can be positiend so that you can see through to the oposit side or...
looks like a good chalenge :) how did you get the spacing for the walls on the mongoose part? please pm me
This is such a good map , i like how you can jump up on one of the towers but still not escape :) .. i think it would be ace to see a remake , a...
Wow looks really good im going to dl asap, also can i ask because im new to get a map on the featured list do you have to have a certain amount of...
I hope this is as sucsefull as griff ball , because i would love to see this on double xp weekend :)
Wow , i really like this map, and i love how it is interlocking, what do you mean by fish tank btw?
My latest update : My new map is to be named Parforex . . And is not the new Vent's map. This is a diferent map and is set up mainley for capture...
hi , i said that i would keep you updated and i have nearly finished a new small map , competative map . That is totally geo'd and interlocking. I...
looks intrestin , im going to dl now :) .. but what's the double helix for?
Update Hi , thanks evrey one just thought i'd keep you updated .. i and an other's are curentley working on a new map , il keep you updated via...
erm how do i give you rep sorry im new
wow these maps look really good!
Thanks , im going to make a propper thread for this , and put a map owt there so people can see this. :) thank you evreyone for all the suport. !
Turret door's ok well il start on it stragiht away :) .. lol dam , im off the newist map's seciton bet i get less look's now , or do people...
hey yes i would like help with v2 and run your idea past me ,
thanks verry much i think i just sent you one back :) i would like to help btw