thanks its fixed
how du make start points then
I have like 20 spawn points at the skybox
im not retarted....I did delete them all...
Whenever I start a new game after ive made a map on sandbox, I put like atleast 10 spawn points uptop at the skybox...but I still spawn on the...
Is there a better Halo RPG like place to go to besides Black Water Ops?? they are so innactive its not even funny....
Does anybody play Cops and Robbers anymore??? was a really fun game back on halo 2...
i dont like reading...I didenough of it in school..and ivegot 4 more days of exams
wow seems like the last2 people are the only ones that know HOW TO READ MY POST I said help me IN GAME not by reading anything
Hey....could someone(s) help me or teach me how to forge....I dont wanna read all that stuff on the forum that doesnt make any sense...
ummmm that didnt work(the link u gaveme)
I forgot my password..and I changed my gamertag so I just decided 2 make a new 1....
its my clan tag....Tactical Gaming....check us out....Tactical Warfare - a Tactical Gaming franchise
Hey, I'm new to all this forge was just wondering if there was someone(s) that could help teach me like how to forge and...