Hey there, i will be here for ya when you need advice about pics on reach. I know a ton and so do my friends so enjoy! Grotto
WE are the future. WE are tomorrow. WE are Forgers!
Hey there! when are yo gonna come back on huh? we could be friends! pm me. thanks
Thanks ninja i will be posting a map pretty soon called Aeropholegean (arrow foe legion) ! Yo have helped me alot, Grotto
Shipment is great i like how you kept it simple yet precise. and the car? LUV it!
It looks great!
SANDTRAP is my fav
yes it is
or white
The text will stand out great in red
yes! the blue and black text make it hard to see
I can hardly read your page, but hi!
Adding the vault in this map makes it golden all the little details make it a good map.
Love the placement of all the bases!