Insurrection- As always i hope you all enjoy map new map. also leave feedback it's very appreciated! please download again if you are fallowing...
I am abit late but welcome to forgehub!
sorry buddy not trying to flame its just against the rules.
Alright wrap this baby up and send it to the world already XD (me and my friends are sorta an unofficial testing team we play and test everything...
how the hell did you get the huge amount of lights on this map? this map is modded isnt it? yeah its modded alright after looking at it. and it...
sure thing man, and trust me after we play them i will be sure to provide honest feedback
just wanted to drop by and say i like most of your maps... i will get more into details when i find a post on your map treads
Alright i downloaded this, my buddies and me played the living hell outta this map lol steel garden is a great looking map and plays good, you...
Thanks Borg, yeah it was along hall, i am humbled by the review from you. thanks with the massive amount of play testing you endured XD I am glad...
@D3ATH EYE very nice suggestion, even with three mins to wait out for a new over-shield it could have a few problems thanks man! lol the os was...
Spider mines Description ---------------------- (after a friend convinced me i did a solo release of this map...) Spider mines is a medium...
hey buudy i wanted to know how you go about posting maps on much thanks.
This looks like a nice map everything looks clean and well done. We will be playing this map reel soon. Keep up the nice work!
I didn't read your other post, however it must have been negative. True that i don't know anyone but this has over 1000 views which stands for...
My buddies and i played this maps in customs just the other day... i FFA i played very well and it looks nice to i couldn't find anything wrong...
I hate to see you maps get tolled like this... if i know what i am talking about it must be heartwrenching to put all this work into your maps to...
@aegis, thanks for coming on here and posting a comment on my map pack i am glad you like it and i am happy you went out of your way to comment on...
Wow thanks for the feedback my friend, as always it is appreciated. Yeah rockets i am not going to lie i love them. in a slayer game it gives a...
Hey buddy i see your online, hoping you maps get more views like i am? lol
I think its nice work... you chose a good place to build it. the aesthetics and everything seem to be fine... i will download it and me and my...