looking good man i don't see anything outta place i remember when this map was much younger its really come along way i am glad to see you made...
I was sent here tomishigh and you didn't dissapiont this map looks really good i cant say how it plays but oh well bioshock fans everywhere will...
this is pretty cool are you trying ctf or bomb on this map? anyways the layout it fine XD seeing its from another game lol. as for everything else...
what you think?
[image removed]
hey man if you have a map you want me to give you feedback on just let me know whats and i will hook you up with some honest feed back
the fountain is killer on peaces its like 25 + of them. wise for thinking about the FR and thats why i cant add anymore to it mostly i am not...
yep remember playing this one its really simple a good feat for 2v2's adding the bridge really buffed the maps flow makeing the layout yummy,as...
yeah i am not perfect and i wont pretend to be either. i get inspiration for a veratiy of places my biggest influence is bungie, and the...
this looks really good for the pics,the layout looks like players chould learn it really fast and total props for making on tempest. and am going...
i am glad to see you like some of the LOOKS on this map. it was inspired by tomishigh. let me know what you think of the gamplay. its helps me...
good luck out there i know you put alot of work in your map so heres hoping for the best
well i do my best. its to bad no body knows what i can do. or they don't care whichever. neither really matters, its stiff to compete with the...
ah, i remember this map when we walked around it for the first time sadly i didn't get to play it at all*sadface* however that layout is pretty...
yeah it needed those custom games the weapons where so overpowered and i fixed that the game after. Sorry you didn't get to play this one you...
sweet man i am pleased you i liked my map. also my gratitude from the DL. as for the size of the map, yep its the smallest map i ever made. I was...
I am pleased to see that the looks of this map, be sure to try it i hope you like the way it plays as much as you like the looks and as for the...
HMMMMMMM,,, very interesting when you look at this map at first i was all like what the hell are those that make up the floor lol. then i spotted...
wow man you put a hell of alot of work into the presentation of this map all the pics and everything look great. the map looks good to, from what...
thanks bro we all gotta hang in there. and to be honest i didn't like the rooms when i was making them either, but people had fun anyways so i...