We love it like a child. YouTube - That's What She Said
happy belated halloween everybudeh! YouTube - HNR - Pumpkin
Quite the special effects extravaganza for us. YouTube - HNR - Time Machine
My friends and I broke the focus gears in my camera. We decided to utilize the newfound ability to unfocus the image. YouTube - HNR - Focus
see title. we pretty much just wanted to try out a few things I've learned so far from film school. Most are in the skit where one fellow won't...
YouTube - HNR - College Yeah, we're awesome like that.
A bonanza of mediocre special effects!!! We thought we'd give it a go. YouTube - The Man in the iPod Touch
My computer converted and edited 52 gigs of HD video for this. It's a champ. My first real attempt with portrait art. I think the colored hair...
My friends and I decided to put our minds in the gutter. YouTube - Innuendo Man
I just got a mac and Final Cut Express, so I decided to put together a random-ass short film. Feedback is appreciated! YouTube- HNR - Battle...
YouTube- HalfNakedRodeo - Not Skiing Your friends may be possessed.
In a car. YouTube - Rave in a Car - Galaxy Eater
The latest short film of mine. Feedback is greatly appreciated! YouTube- The Quest for HD
I just finished this last night. I'm pretty proud of it! The sketchy lighting and reddening of the image is due to my poor quality camera. It...
Now that I have your attention, please watch, comment, and rate the video my friends and I just filmed. Yes, this is how we spend Thanksgiving in...
So, I'm in the mood to draw something. But I can't think of what to draw. So it would be awesome if all you creative g&a folks would give me...
Another vid with my friends and I. We'd appreciate a rate, comment maybe even a subscribe if you're feeling particularly generous today. YouTube...
Hey folks. I've been wondering if there's a Blackout map with more than 160,000 DLs. I have searched thorugh B.net for a while now and haven't...
YouTube - Company of Idiots My friends and I last weekend. The title was a toss-up between Company of Idiots and Mexican gets Owned. My parents...
I just made this today. I thought I'd share it with you guys. YouTube - Halo Speed Drawing Enjoy!