Okay, so I am not 100% sure, so I would like somebody to look and confirm or disprove this possible Easter egg. On the forge map ravine, if you...
wow. so i was just in the graphic art section. you are extremely talented!!!!!!!!! just thought id letcha know
yeah. its been a while cause i was moving. i still forge though. just add me on xbl im always on if im not working. my gamertag is the same as...
Hey, I have a friend on XBL who told me about you before I really started using forgehub. His names tblue. Anyway. I really like your work....
Alright. Thanks.
So who would be the one I propose this to?
I have an idea that has been rolling around my head. I see that you are a moderator, so I propose this idea. If you don't like it or don't think...
Hello Forge Hub! RhymeSlayer here with a preview of the first map I will be gracing you all with. I am excited to see what you think of it. I...
so... after a quick walkthough of the map. I definately like the asthetics. i like the flow of the bottom level, but the top level looks like...
Thank you! seems pretty cool here. I am kinda stepping on shells here though cause I keep doing stupid things. for example, I posted a map into...
hey, I was just wondering if there were any way to tidy up my post on the TG? one of the moderators told me that they would if I were able to get...
So I just checked out the video for this map. I really like how you used one color on the pieces to tie it together. very cool way to make the...
Sorry, I didn't know. I would have posted this apology on that map lol, but figured I shouldn't risk it. I'll get the hang of this place eventually
Nope, pretty sure that's it. Thanks so much. I really appreciate it.
yes we have. this is just a more formal introduction. hello, i am rhymeslayer! thanks. good to be a part of forgehub!
yes, but I am pretty sure that another moderator took it off already
okay, thank you so much I really appreciate it!
I have downloaded it and plan on checking it out tomorrow. From what I see I really like it. Feel free to add me on XBL cause I would be down to...
I am not getting on here to bash you or to give you 'destructive critisism,' but I am in agreence with the previous comments. it looks chaotic...
Hey there! I posted a map called Gehenna on the competetive forum at the same time as posting it to the TG. I meant for it to be tested and get...