What? The art or the *****?
Good points, this helped alot to. Nutduster are you going to get on tomarow? I could use some live help.
Ok, I'll do that. Edited by merge: Your list is full.
Dark magic...
I am making an Invasion map and I need help with gates, spawning, and objectives. Google failed to help so can someone get on at anywhere from...
I can help with the drop ship later, I saw it in a post.
Oh great, I'm gonna go on halo in about 20 mins I can c u there.
I need someone experianced at invasion to help me this evining, can someone help?
Ok, I will be on to help. But I also need to work on a Invasion map and I have a goal to set.
Ok, I am feeling left out. I said I would help out any time and I haven't seen it since your prototype. I can help test any time remember dude?
Just ask an admin and they get a permaban.
Meh, have you ever consitered a one way sheilds instead of a teleporter? Then you won't get flung around.
Your welcome, and tallnut66 I can help you make a better one if you want.
Thank you, I thought the armor lock was a little much. I have never even seen the halo three version... But I do like the idea.
Umm no offense but this map type has been made before, with better athsetics. So I would consiter making a map with more than a block and some...
I really liked how you made the video and the idea, I downloaded for all the effort and fun this map has to offer. It is great. Thank you for...
The Map: About 1 week ago my friends are all talking about this new map they remade from halo 3. Curious to what it was I found it and played a...
I am freiking out at this! All of the work and effort!! I definitly want to try it with you guys later! PM me to play! Everyone keeps saying they...
Some 1 showed it to me before. I can make pretty great maps if you want me to help. It is entertaining for 20 minutes but it is a little small.
Yes, also where the **** is the evac zone? I tore the map apart on forge and couldnt find it.