Looks great! When is the next test lobby?
Ok thank you, also I tried the map, it was great and a good idea.
When is eet due?
Can we geta working link?
Umm ok, I can disregard what I had. I will get started.
What is that picture.. I'm creeped out a little...
I can't wait to test it out this is a visionary idea. The concept of puting other players from other games is a great idea. I do feel that before...
These are both vary valid points. I think you should add some barriers on the second floor, on the first it is a little light on cover but you can...
I can help, if you need any help you could find it on bungie.net
What's your GT?
I like the idea of and explosive match, but even though I havnt played it I feel it will be not that fun for gameplay. In terms of gameplay here...
Hey man, I saw this in forge when you where working on it (twice) and it has inproved greatly from before. I would recomend that people would...
I never recall hearing of you building this, but I still like it.
No, it just showed me pictures...
See, I was right.
Flying Shoe helped ALOT with spaws, but I'd like to get more tips and help tonight.
Ok its fine.
Can you help me with invasion today??
Nice idea, and athestetics, I think you could have worked out the plot more, like setting up taks and assulting their base. I still will give it a DL.