still having trouble As of yet, we are still unable to find a solution to the spawning problems for each gametype, and we urge anyone who knows...
yup that alot better :) i made the same mistake on my first post lol. is there a way to get from base to base?
i ment an overview showing the WHOLE thign at once, not different parts, if it is possible. and yh maybe it was intended to be played, but then...
you need to sort out your screenshots. u cant simply post them from bungie. u have to upload them to another site i use once uve...
looks ok, but i really think that more cover should be added to the lower sections, as anyone up top would have a field day killing people down...
this map looks quite good from what i can see, but i think u should add an overview of the whole thing. u should also add a weapons/equipment list...
wow this map is brilliant! i especially like the structures, they have good shape, and are really well made. im not normally keen on killballs in...
well i have to say i like the layout that you've come up with. the map looks well built (although i cant see any interlocking) but thats no big...
Id take out that double post if i was u, or ull get an infraction =[ as for the map: the layout looks good, but i can see from some of the...
thats exactly what i was thinking! this map has next to nothing on it! i think u should add some cover all over the place, because at the moment...
i like the layout, seems very playable and looks like a lot of fun. the idea of the different sections being for different types of combat are...
yeah i really like the idea, and i really do feel that if u add a few more platforms so u can jump over, it will be even better :)
this map looks well layed out, and i like the structures. the only concern i have (without playing on it) is the ammount of power weapons, and...
1st post XD... this looks like an interesting map, ive not seen anything with this kind of layout before. and the use of tin cups as bars is...
i really like your centre structure, its got good shape, and several ways of getting up onto it. the other structures are unlike anything i have...
well ive made a few minor changes to the map, that u guys suggested, such as weapon times and spare clips etc. ive also moved the sword to on top...
yeah i totally understand where your comin from, we are thinking about starting the map agen from scratch and spending more time on it, maybe...
thanks for your comments everyone... as for the spawn points, im not entirley sure what happened there, i spent hours setting them all up and...
judging by the screenshots, i would say that uve done a great job here, however i will download and have a play later on. the overall shape looks...
thanks :) and no there isnt any merging :( this is our first attempt at ever making a map so were not really up to scratch on all the techniques,...