Great map, I did a quick run through and this is amazing. It has an almost Construct feel from Halo 3.
This is really great. I'd never would've even remotely thought of using CE's beginning mission as an Invasion game. The only issue I see is a...
Breakable gravity lifts. Those made switches and tricks so mush easier.
This is a cool concept. I like it. But what do you mean by MAP IS 4 PLAYER CO-OP? Do you mean MAP IS FOR 4 PLAYER CO-OP? OR Do you mean MAP IS...
There is a button on your keyboard called shift. Use it. Also, I have to say that adding the second version made it nicer in my opinion. My...
Mubarack (spelling is unimportant) was smart to step down from office when he saw that this would do good for his citizens. On the other hand,...
That sounds like a decent idea. I think I might start warming up with Gruntapocalypse.
Graz on having the same name as me. It's not necessarily my biggest fail , but one day was talking to a girl I liked in middle school while...
I use a 4 look-speed and jump up and down while aiming for the head. Try that.
I've already seen these before on Geekologie. Keeping It Classy: Large Breasted Mouse Pads - Geekologie
This is by far one of the coolest things I've seen on the web. Basically it's a "full-power" of javascript enabling you to roll a katamari with...
I know this is an old thread, but has anyone uploaded a map for this?
I can relate. I think it's caused by different load times whenever you start a game. I also noticed that this is more common and easier to...
This totally reminds me of Midgar from Final Fantasy VII.
i actually liked the modern warfare games
Looks really cool. I'm not just saying that to be nice also.
I'm not near my xbox (it's at my dad's house) right now, could you post some pics?
Why does everyone build houses in that location? I've built a nightclub there. :L
I hope this isn't considered off-topic, but you can change it if you click edit and then advanced.
Just wanted to point out that it says the canvas map is Anchor 9.