with all the teleporters it seems like it wouldnt be good for gameplay(I'll download and hope it proves me wrong) but i have tried forging on...
with that overview of the map i now see that you have some nice structures in the middle of the map. but i think you still need to make the map bigger
add somthing!!! it is too open. there is just somthing missing. and it looks like you need to do somthing to keep people arround the map
it looks good but for gameplay it seems too open. i think you should add cover
looks like a fun mini map but couldnt they just stand on the colums when the pallets are gone?
I like the base layout. I also like the smooth walk through. I love the lift it is useful. I downloaded
I agree it looks very campible but it looks like you can come out the way you go in is that right or not? I will download
IT is a fun map to play on i love the elevator the slated part hurts my eyes but it has good gameplay