Today didn't work out too well for me, and I'm not sure tomorrow will either. I'll try to shoot you an FR tomorrow when I log on, and we'll see...
I've recently gotten a couple of maps to the point where I'm ready to see them tested. I've already submitted one to the Tester's Guild, but I...
Actually, I did submit Anomaly to the Tester's Guild last night. I'm eager to hear back once someone's played it. I haven't looked into the...
Specifically game types like One Flag CTF, One Bomb Assault and Territories will swap the team spawns between rounds. And of course, Invasion...
I'd truly love to see some different skins for the pieces we have. Even if you can only choose one skin per saved map, it'd do a lot to add to...
I'll keep that in mind for the future. Neither of these maps have been tested yet, though. My friends list is far from expansive and many of...
I'm pretty excited about all of the maps, but Tempest in particular. I love Forge World, but the Colosseum, Quarry and Ravine feel like the only...
Gah. English Comprehension Fail. I blame having been up to late. I'm pretty new to Forge Hub (the two maps I posted last night are the second...
The download link's at the very bottom of my first post, right below the last screenshot actually. I'll post it again right here. :...
Bunker is a two-team map centered on a structure built in the Quarry area of Forge World. [IMG] The building consists of three levels. The...
Anomaly is a symmetrical map I've been playing with built for up to four teams of four to play Assault, CTF, Stockpile or Slayer. It's a...
Really? The label doesn't do anything? I can't help but wonder what would happen if I made an Infection map with all neutral spawns, but some...
Having been fortunate enough to help playtest this once, I eagerly say that I hope this will be entered in the Forgetacular contest. :)
I've got those spawns' gametype specific set to 'True'. I've labeled them as 'INF_SPAWN' instead of just 'INFECTION' though because those are the...
That's part of it - and I've got that part down. The tricky bit, is that I want to have a different set of red-team spawns for other game types....
I've been working on building an Infection map. When I got the layout done, I began to see some other potential for it. (Team based and FFA...
I'd be willing to give it a shot playtesting - or at least playing - on this map. :) I'll send an FR.
My main thoughts along those lines were the cave systems and paths along the edge of the map. I've tried to add a little more cover to those...
I've mostly been lurking here a little while but I think that my first map attempt, Siege, is ready for a look and perhaps some testing. I've set...
Gamertag: jovial1 Times you can get on: Just about any time at the moment - though not so much in the evening. Mic yes/no?: Yes Something...