this is a great remake, it definitley deserves the feature
haha, thats what i was thinking
damn pro painting, love that joke, its a 4chan classic.
v2 is definitely the best as for text, pick something grungy
the border is weird.. and the text is kinda off but other than that very good :)
ok thanks :)
how many times will recon be discussed? too many times. recon will be coveted simply because its not unlockable. you have to be given it. and...
it'll be like the whole cod4 vs. cod5 thing. i know people that play cod5, and people that still play cod4. i'm sure plenty of people will still...
yeah but there could be the whole covenant side as well. idk it was just a thought lol
i was wistfully thinking about a halo MMO today. how cool would it be to take the halo universe online, in RPG form? its just an idea, but i...
well.. seeing as how i didnt know you can change your sensitivity..i play on 3 :)
yeah Planet Renders // Renders - Video/Console Game Renders/The Joker and also, can i see the finished product? im interested in what you're...
[img] yes this does look like me :)
i'd like to know as well, how did you get that background in there?
yeah, here ya go :) [IMG]
what happens is that your xbox fails to recognize your headset. restarting it should fix the problem, if not, then you need a new headset
the second video looks sooooo epicccc!!!! i cant wait for this game! i just hope it doesnt turn out to be like WoW
theres too much of the same color, and there isnt a lot of flow. the left side is a bit too bland, decent though
dude this background is sick, keep up the good work :)
i really dont mean to overload you Ice, but i wanted to get this posted before i go to bed [IMG] GIMP thanks again :)