playin on valhalla, team snipes. i got spawn killed 3 times in a row, all headshots. i died 3 times in 5 seconds.. WTF?!?!?!?!
you are just FTW aren't you? i aim for the head, always. with every gun, every time count me as steady i guess
i think melee should be a choice.. i think EVERYONE uses that lol
EDIT: accidental double post, sorry
thank you very much, sir :)
wtf is a gradient map? and how do i do one in GIMP? i've seen people talk about them, and when asking for CnC people suggest i use them. please help!
i really like it. i like the style of the sig. its all very deliberate, very nice
the text is the only good thing.. the lighting is too much, and i agree with rabbit, the render is lq
wow.. your work is amazing. you can definitely see a style that is yours in all of the works
[IMG] made in gimp, my latest sig
thats really good do you use a mouse? or one of those pen thingys?
posted a v3 taking the advice of you guys
the double focal isn't really working out. maybe try focusing more on one tiger
yeah, i think i did the sharpen/blur on the arm by accident. as for the text, i will post a v2 here in a minute. thanks :)
i just got Red Faction (amazing game, go rent it, at least) its so full of bad-assery that i decided to make a sig. CnC please, thankss :) v1...
the sig flows well, and the colors all go well together. but to me, its just not very appealing
really nice video, the one thing that bothered me was the 12 second shaking near the end.. it made it hard to see that gameplay. other than that,...
wow.. thats ridiculous
of some inspiration! can you guys just dump ideas/stocks/renders/c4d's so i can find something to use? i've had a bit of a block lately, and i...
wow.. this map is just amazing everyone should download it well deserved feature