simple yet beautiful. Very nice job.
very nice. I love how u used the mancannons and the boxes on their sides. Looks pretty sweet ill have to try it out.
Ive always thought of making something like this. And urs looks pretty good. The only problem I see is the lack of interlocking on the floor of...
this map looks very good. I love the interlocking and tall buildings. ill have to queue it and get back to you.
forme it looks a bit bulky on the outside but thats probly because u made it look good on the inside
im not so keen with the shwatball but it looks fun for grifball
This map is pretty good for a first map. I like the concept but it looks kindof sloppy in my opinion. I would interlock things to make it more...
looks pretty good for ur second map. Although i think it looks a little sloppy. U should use interlocking and I think the sideways fence walls are...
looks fun. I rele like how u did the sidebar deal. Ill hav to try this out
IM coming out with the V2 of my map Mondeago, I've used everyones advice and will need testers when I'm finished. contact me if u would like to test.
looks pretty good. good job ill try it out
this has got to be one of the best looking maps ive see congradulations
wow looks great, good interlocking. ill have to try it out looks like fun
looks interesting,i like the scenery and i imagine it is fun to play. ill have to do that and get back to u
looks awsome nice interlocking, i like the map layout very well ill have to try it out
thank you chicken dippah for stating that my map was almost stolen and preventing it. I really appreciate it. Im still taking everyones comments...
that tunnel is very good looking ill have to try this map out to see how it plays.
i really like the whole starting line setup and the large overbank curve ill have to try it out
hi john
I like the idea it looks like fun. very creative and neatly done