So what if religion causes deaths? Everything causes deaths. The Wii causes deaths. Should we remove it because it causes deaths? Not at all....
The amount of casualties in the Crusades are still open to speculation, but we know that at a maximum the deaths added up to equal nine million....
Anyone who thinks Atheists don't hold morals is clearly a fool beyond bothering with. Please, just stop with religion causing violence. Yes,...
You could teletap, but I have no idea how to.
I would like them "blended" so to speak... so you can see the advice dog and slowpoke, but they're merged together.
Place the object you want to put the teleporter into. (example: double box) Now that your double box is placed, press "x" on the box, and the...
When's that Foundation remake being posted..?
Hey Randle, can I get a slowpoke avatar like my current advice dog one, but a mix of advice dog and the slowpoke face? Thanks in advance
Funny, but terribly incorrect on 90% of what it said, if not everything.
Is it at all possible if you move this to Forge Discussion?
Move to Forge Discussion please?
A moderator can only move the threads. I will notify one for you.. Thread wise, people won't mind. Of course interlocking will make it neater and...
OP updated with 3 pictures of my upcoming Avalanche map, as examples of tear drop merges. I am planning to make a few more examples soon and...
Go into Forge mode on your map, and then press start. Once you're in the start menu, press "change gametype" and scroll to what gametype you want...
Some of you may know that I make BG's... well I finally got around to making another one. Enjoy and CNC. [IMG]
I'd say smoothen out the edges a bit... I thought it was "Nik" as well but that's not too big of a deal. Looks a bit LQ, but probably will be...
The same point that makes your subject seem relevant is "why do it if we don't have much time on the earth?" Well then, why do we do things in...
To tell the truth, I'm most excited for Citadel. Looks like a great map with lots of fun, and it seems as if it would make a good conquest map...
You might be right. I think I'll have to stick with 8 (Sadfaic)
Yeah... that's not it. Just tried it out and I never even changed those settings to begin with.