its an ok map and all, but it would be a bit better if you had more rooms and stuff. actually, on second thought its a great map. keep forging.
looks like a great map but i dont know how to make the download here thing, can anyone help please?
put pictures, your gonna get in trouble. (get pictures from, save onto your computer, upload from imageshack,photobucket, or...
its an ok map, but the tanks doesnt seem to have much to fire at since theres sheild doors. And anyways it would be to cheep if the tank is...
the pictures are very small, but i like what you did with the fence walls
it ok but i like the catapault
woooooaahhh! thats sooo cool the way it turns from day to night! i wana try to make one myself
lol! a grunt! there my favorate espesialy the kamakazies. looks cool
sounds fun, you have to run away for being splattered. lol
lol wow you put a pool, a tv, a couch, a garage. you really put alot of efort in this. nice
awesome the traps are what makes these maps great and i like the pit of doom
i like the roofs with the barriers under it the best
it looks great for a first race on ava and the interlocked ramps look good
the interlocking is better than what i can do and i really like the br towers
one question when you do the save changes and end game. does it work with only imovable objects or does it work with things like crates and barrels?
!!!! oh no!!!! put pictures before you get in trouble! i just looked at it and.... it not all that great sorry put more stuff in it like bigger...
nice work. and its on snowbound. wow
nice! i like the way its sideways. but is it just for show? Or is there wepons i cant see?
can you put more pictures please? but it looks good. umm how much people can race in this?
wont you die if you get in ghost?