umm i know its been a while but i just wanted to introduce myself and i felt kinda bad that nobody likes me cause i usally do something wrong when...
Wow . you made a warm welcome. nice lolz +rep for yooooooooouuuuuu.! also it seems youve helped alot of people including the recruites. im trying...
Well the storys ok but even thought...why finish it later? i know you said it was midnight, but y did u start it so late? well it sounds fun and...
LOLZ it looks like a regular monster truck map, but what makes it diff is that you dont fall to your death and also it has a hill and it gets...
welcome, also if you would like more information about my clan go to the thread clan advertisement.
It looks fun, the armory is neat, ima fan on infection, and i like the layout. No story?, Why only human weps? It seems great for slayer. 4/5...
This is better than most first maps,you also put a second floor, thats good, If you would like help with forging , either go to the fourms or just...
yeah wasnt tying to be mean, dont think its bad. I dont mind small things, you map is still great. all im saying is that when you go up the stairs...
Very nice forging. the platforms are cool, and wepons and spawns list is good. This a good first post. The name doesnt really match the map...
umm ive got a few... =O A mini maze =O make it and infection game and you could advance until you find yourself in an area where you...
Looks cool . But arent collesiums supposed to be circle? the interlocking and roofs are good. also Brightside told you to put sum cover on the...
Doesnt look that fun, also if its called "Battered War Zone" why does it looks so neat? Why are there drivable cars in a place that is supposed to...
It looks simple and easy to make. and what i read on the comments, is that its similar to another map. the idea is ok but what would be the use of...
Nice. I like the idea of a grifball map and the interlocking and new platforms you added. But is there any downside of a side? For instance...The...
This is amazing. Its neat. The rail guns are cool also. I have some suggestions if you make it into a playable game... Instead of the dumpsters...
The Story of the map is good but it seems a bit normal. And if im seeing correctly... why are the window pannels stuck to the fence boxes? And why...
Zanders is correct. you shouldnt post a map under construction. Even thought it looks fun and the interlocking is cool. but again, dont post maps...
Sounds like a nice map, And i like the large amout of wepons and spots. but your pictures arent working. go to the fourms for help or read the...
Looks like a fun map. The interlocking is good and its clean. Will infection work on it? Pretty good. 4/5. keep forging
LOLz those were some interesting words. Im the kind of person who likes those fancy maps with the floating and interlocking. But even though you...