The scenery is good, it looks fun ;) though, I do remember seeing something just like this a few days ago. :-\
Re: JOUST on the Courtyard! this looks ok. :-\ not the best. try to use more of the map. sorry :(
This looks like a nice race map, i made one, called mario cart wich was pretty good, but this seems to be alot better. ;)
Uhmm! screen shots, description, there is none. Who wants to play or download something if they have no idea if it even sounds good. ???
Really fun map, great ideas=]
OK! I WANT IN ON WEEK 2 ;D I missed week ones sign ups. =[
Re: Hell House 2 *updated* This looks fun :D I'll deff try it ::)
Re: Awesome spin on the jail break variant Theres no point in this is there ??? ???
Can you make a better description, sounds like you put weapons in the water, and some computers and blocked off the entrance's. doesnt sound too...
You could've added more time to this map, making it better. Sorry.
Good, well thought out map, fun to play.
Deffinitly need more scenery. sorry bro. :-\
Very well done, nice to see mario come into play in the later terms, instead of mario cart, like everyone does. Great maps! I can't wait to see...
This is a fun map to play on ;D
Looks pretty tight. ;)
sorry to be so off topic, but how do you get your sigs with gamer tag info on it?
I agree on the valhala map. good point. I mean if u created a map on that with a lot of containers andcrates it could be awesome!
I think that we should get one of the two, how about you>? :-\ This is a map that should be played with at least 6 people. Just for fun, or you could,...
Hey insane, Can you make me one>?? please. Check out my map maybe too.