......sh** im going to play now. im lvl 35, better hurry, maybe they wont play till tomarrow?? we can mute them maybe, or maybe they wont let...
Well, when you dont have a job like me its hard to get money so i get cheap stuff, wich is why they break i guess. but im getting a wireless, are...
How many mics have you gone through? I've gone through at least 25 on my first year of xbox, im going to get a better mlg mic, but does anyone...
Re: The Gears of War Map Pack is here... Canals looks amazing great map ;D
embed pics please. ;) anyway good map :)
sick, im getting the maps in like 5 mins. =] ;D ;D
Re: Training House(Name will change) OMG PUT PICS! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( wtf makes you think that people are going to download maps or anything...
Re: High(est) Hopes (REVISED AND TESTED!) This is a good map! ;D
Re: Twin Towers(Outside of The Map)(Pictures) by AlExThEgReAt22 I agree with Clink, use two towers, twin towerrs is alittle offensive to some.
i will try it
publish it to bungie please!
Re: Small, Intense (Of Course), High Ground Map this doesnt look to good.
Re: Tri-Base Attack (BETA /w Pics) this looks pretty fun, i will try it ;)
Re: PORTAL nice 2 sided map (CTF FRENZY) have fun! I agree with asper, dont say "Best"`anything. ill trry the map though
This actually looks half decent. i will try this when i get home=]
This does sound a little fun. I's christmassy. ;) better screen shots would be apreciated. going to download tomarrow or later tonigbht when i...
Re: Themis TL-52 :: Spiritual Successor to Chiron TL-34 try making the stuff more enclosed if u want, this looks ok though ;) i will have to try it
Screenshots is a must.
You need more screenshots, maybe of some action, or more of your map, better description maybe too, ;)
You could explain more, with vivid detail, and screenshots are a big thing when u want someone to download your map. try again, ;) it sounds ok,...