Im Workin On v.2 right now and theres gonna be no snipe tower or second story so that u guys will probaly have to noscope. cyz scopin at close...
i ddint say u had to get noscopes. you can scope to
Hello Again, Folks! This Will Be My First Competitive Map NoScopes v.1!!!! [IMG] This game is consistant of high gravity so you cant jump...
Cool This Map Looks Awesome!
that zombie doesnt come through the tele he spawns in that room. that tele is from the one room u wanna pass with a trip mine
Hello Matey's! This is My Brand New, Embed'd Pics, Brand Spankin new Map!!! Called... Fat Kid's Revenge!!!! [IMG] This Map Took Awhile Too...
Im 13. Why do You Ask?
Hello Mateys! Sorry For Not Embeding My Pics, I Also Forgot to this time...soz Next Gen... This is the fast paced thriller game of ... Hide...
Hello! Thios map is all about the hiding and the tactics and the blahoughin! As Bill Cosby would say! This map will send you at the edge of your...
Hello Peeps, This is my first map on forgehub!! i hopes u guys like it. Description: Basic 2 Houses CTF. What you gotta do is go to the other...