this looks like a mad sick racetack. I tried building one kinda like this the other day but failed epicly. racetracks arn't my forte. but you seem...
it looks cool and artistic. but looks like it would lag allot in game. Also i think it would have been better building it over water on an...
omg omg omg!! sorry but it was omg x3 worthy. This map looks too good to be i want to puke it looks so amazing...(thats a compliment)...
k so ive played this map allot the other day with my buddies on free for all and this map is amazing. we spent the entire day just kind of...
map looks pretty tight I like the way you kept everything compact and simple but at the same time it still looks interesting. haven't played it...
Sounds like a fun idea I usually don't like vehical maps but this might work well and be fun to play. IF i could get a big enough party for it
Check out my maps!
map looks pretty f-ing sick but the music in the video got annoying lol
Ya i know i need more pics these hardly do it justice. Gotta upgrade to a bungie pro account to get more fileshare space. Ill likely get around to...
This is Drainoid. It has a terrible name, but its an awsome map. You'll probably like it :) I spent over 12 hours working on it trying to get it...
This is my first Forge Map (On Halo Reach). I spent around 6-7 hours (An Afternoon) working on it. [IMG] The Map is called Dwelling mostly...
pictures don't give me very much. wud look nice if you had a more established shot to show more than just small areas.
looks kind of cool i dunno about it tho looks weird maby ill check it out tho.
sick looking map ill check it out. looks like you put allot into this one i like the way it looks im gunna download it :)