I don't see why in Elite Slayer all the Loadouts have different weapons. Why not just have all have a Plasma Repeater and a Plasma Pistol, then...
"Isloation sucks"? I don't know about you guys, but I thought Isolation was an ok map, and this looks like a great remake of it. Everything is...
A very good puzzle map, nice and challenging. Like Bl0odshadow, I also love the water theme, it fits perfectly with this map. I haven't completely...
Oh yeah lol. Sorry I had a brain fart. :P
Sadly, I'm pretty sure that the method used in Cawk Blawkin' is the closest you could possibly get to an Alpha Zombie. ****, why did Bungie remove...
Are you kidding, Smear the ***** was beast! Seaboro would be ashamed of you. >:(
I honestly don't get this tree thing at all lol.
I hate it when people join Forge Hub just so they can post some stupid thread like this one. L0x Pl0x
Not that much, no.
What would be the point of adding Brutes anyway? They wouldn't introduce any cool new gameplay, considering they would be just like Elites but...
An exact Ghostbusters remake is impossible. In Halo 3, you were completely invisible no matter what. In Halo Reach, you become more visible the...
You can. It's called modding. It's great, except for one thing: it will get you banned. ;P
How did you make a theater film in the beta?
E.T. for the Atari 2600, the infamous game of legends.
An unshootable Scarab gun? What, would it be on your head or something?
I know right?
Why did you have to post two identical threads?
Yeah. :P BTW Jex should this go in Reach Media instead?
For those who don't know yet, Screenshots Of You is a new feature in the File Browser that Bungie added at the same time that the rank cap was...