The next map pack is called the Defiant Map Pack. It includes the maps Condemned, Unearthed, and the Invasion map Highlands.
Why did you name this thread "Gamertag"? Whatever. Here's how you post a poll: 1) Create a new thread. 2) Scroll down to the bottom. There will...
Doesn't take long to load for me. :/
Dude, we cant just say "Alright, we're World Power now!" It just doesn't work like that. The status of World Power has to develop over time.
We can't really tell you what to get her cuz we don't know her and don't know what kind of things she likes. Only 8 and a half hours!
Master Chief and the Arbiter cuz they're more badass. ;P
Good map, but there is one HUGE flaw with it. There is a small triangular hole on the roof of this map, and you can fly through it with a Jet...
Lol I noticed that too but I bet it was just a coincidence.
No definite source, I've just seen a few people mention it on the CoD Forums. Don't take my word for it, it could be a bogus rumor.
What we need the most, IMO, is to be able to set certain players to either Spartan, Elite, or Preferred Species. It's annoying when you want to...
I completely agree with everything you said. Reach could've been 10 times better if Bungie actually put some care into the game. Bungie says...
I heard that Ascension will feature the characters Mason, Woods, Hudson and Bowman from the Campaign. EDIT: Sorry, not Bowman. I meant Weaver.
Looks like a fairly decent remake, but you should definitely credit Seaboro Kibbles for making the original.
When I went to my first Metallica concert with my dad. One of the best nights of my life. Ahh, good times, goooood tiiiiimes... Also, when I...
Congrats, kdavis73, I love this map with my 8==D. chrstphrbrnnn, you should have noted somewhere that v1 is the normal version while v2 is the...
Big Bang > God The > means "more realistic". I don't mean to offend anybody, but I personally don't believe in God at all. There's so much more...
FML = **** My Life You guys will never guess what happened to me. For Christmas, my parents got me a Classic Zombie Maps Code for Black Ops off...
No, I've played the classic maps before (my friend has the Hardened Edition) and the layouts haven't changed, and I doubt they would change them...
One thing: Lose the effects.