Well, items do respawn no matter what, but theres ways to prevent that... -First you create the item you want not to dissapeer. Set it's respawn...
If there's blood on the floor after this you'r gonna have to clean it up >:( Does I needs only one more post to have 10s posties XD!?
Ok, not trying to be rude ^^ but I don't need help anymore. But these are some of the things I tried: -I made a new acc, but I couldn't take the...
Thanks Klink, that answered most of my question :D
With every action there's a reaction, for every glitch there needs to be a stich :)
But it is oh so important. Also yes, it screws me up bad, relying on that center line. Also also I'm sure alot of people are like "Lmao, what a...
Well *Rubs eyes* I know that the "central" line in the main forging area of Foundry is to throw you off. For too long have I trusted that central...
Well, if I made a new acc then I can't upload my other great videos or maps and I'm not going to respend my money on the heroic map pack.
Well, I know I'm screwed, if that's the word for it. I can't download any maps to my xbox live profile, because, when I signed up for xbox live I...
I've read the forging 101 over and over again, and I mostly understand it, but when I try in foundry to make a box blend in with the geography of...