[IMG] ***Please Post If You Download*** D.L. Tele Horror Map ***must be played with gamytype*** D.L. Tele-Horror Game Type This is my...
this map looks sick ill d.l. great job
Can anyone give me some tips on placing spawns for a conquest map I looked into another conquest map (cellars) and checked out the spawn placment...
Ok were to start, So I've made a couple of maps usually ctf odd ball slayer koth u Know objective maps so here I go and decide to try something...
Thats not true ive tested local, l.a.n., and live and im comming up with the same results with two testers with me
Yes i usally do too..... but right now my map depends on them no, not at all just high and low is the issue mines the oppisite i hit it in...
thanks for all the ideas they will all help alot
i tried both way jumping walking hell i even jumped and landed on the b@sterd all the same i could not reach it unless i restart the match that...
ok so im testing some man cannons out for a new idea for a map what i did was i set up a man cannon so when u go through it, it shoots u into the...
THANKS im crossing my fingers
here's my entrys [IMG] [IMG] [IMG]
right on what was the first?
FYI some of the power weopons r set up to not spawn at start i did this so there is not a mad dash to one sertain area i hope u guys like it
I recomend you play it on KOTH please leave comments on XBL
ya i see what your saying but at the time i was low on single and dbl boxes so i went not interlocking to cover more area but check it out and...
i assume that it represents water
Thanks man come back with some comments cool panda!
[IMG] D.L. 4RUNNER HERE ***Please Post If You Download*** 4RUNNER complex also known as Installation 69 This is my fifth map I have spent...
Thats a sweet pic good job with the light placement did u set it up that way or were u just lucky?
This is more of a suggestion than a criticisms [IMG] regarding the pillars i did the same thing in a map i made and those damn pillars kept...