dun worry i r makes friends with teh ppl i fight with once again
meassge me... i r on lots
EASY? i dun get it?
infact wes should makes some screen shot together .... im workin on this one and i needz help and since pandemic is imcompitent in everyother area...
*** forge with me n pandemic laters and will have kareoke party
os... thk u ...maybe ur not such bad guyz after all srry for callin u tool i dun rlly think so neways
ommehgod i r not fears u tool btw part of the visor on ur avatar and sig is cut off...(jus tryin to help)
os ya... thx for saying meh sig is cool and r stuff... is think sancutary is cool but ur weapons are gayer then kronos
os rlly? hows was ur grandmas bday party ******. chnge ur letter colors to somethin oth then yellow... in fact change it to mine... and dun go...
can someone pls comment? thx
lmao wow i can just imagine how big of a douche u must be... k stop talking to me
lol ok... u have a big school... spam. and im glad hes not confused
ya buddy kiss my ass then go masterbate loser and thats not "contructive" critism smart ass
This is a really good map... theres neat geomerges and what looks to be amazing gameplay i hope u get a feature for this one congrats on the post.
ugh ur friends with the offical y35... i think its a guy but has a pic of some chick... he/she creeps me out
if this was neat theres no dout in my mind that id be downloading
btw spam spam spam spam back at u