this is to empty on the outside of the house... is this is slayer, imagine the camping... also very random spawns, i like how i can c them tho......
thank you for this! all ive seen so far has been basically remakes of mlg playlist maps and long pathways going to a midle thingy in the sky this...
you dont get points for suicide, ****.
intriguing (is that how u spell it) this is the maps name it counts for the entire map and being that i dont consider this maps focus to be the...
i clicked the pictures and nothing happened i really want to see the map so fix it! HURRY!
theres not enough ways to the other part of the map from each base i think it would be hard to play and theres also to many power wepaons... if...
uhh i dont like this map... and you cant bold the title. it seems to open to have sniper rifles and i dont understand where the name came from,...
I was in forge one day and started throwing spike grenades at my friends when i thought, hey this is fun. Jack Pot...
i like how every one thinks u havent run out of budget because they dont notice in order for the arena to shrink it takes up objects that are not...
Wow that name doesn't remind me of anything... I don't think I like it... Maybe if u incorperated asthetics in to it I would download... If this...
Hey nice post ...finnally finished.
Hahaha I'm on my ipod touch...
ya haha dont worry about the sniper the amount of weapons given really makes any weapon used seem unoriginal due to the ovrewhelming popularityu...
huuuh this is so sad... GO TO BUNGIE PEOPLE!
om meh god its like a close up of ch33fs junk... get it away
dont start
um it definetly is... visit bungie once in awhile
CONTENTION [IMG] the name was picked because the red and blue contrast is like a compitition for rights on the pic
pandemic... go back to forging lol
u should post this after when u have everything ready instaed of posting this thread about some map that nobody has any idea about... not cool and...