This actually looks really good. Im surprised it doesn have more hits solely from the fact that the thumbnail is not of forgeworld! Really good...
Yes its ugly as hell isnt it! I thought the water might help but blue and grey arent hugely different. Not much you can really do though with only...
Nice looking map! Kinda reminds me of a big Lockout, but i think its cuz of the location and parts used more than the layout. Id have to agree...
Hey sorry i got caught up in all the maps i DLed! I had a run round in this by myself and found it pretty cool, i think the 2x revenants could be...
Thanks dude, i really went for a 'less is more' approach and tried to base the map around the natural features in this area of forge world. Would...
Oh yes that makes sense! As i said, the weapon placement is really good! Just making sure it was a problem you had countered already. Really good...
Just had a run around in forge mode on this map and it looks really good. Theres alot of spawn points and nice weapon placement and some good...
Id be keen to play some customs on this map Darkm, add me on xbox live. I might be online at wierd times cuz im from Australia but its worth a...
Well im about to DL so ill let you know my thoughts but as ill be by myself it wll be hard to judge as its a BTB map. As for my previous post, i...
Looks like a very creative and interesting map! The only worry i would have would be if both teams rush for the bridge at the start of a match,...
Hello Forgehub! Thanks for checking out my map. This is 'Tide', its a small, assymetrical slayer map, whether it be team or FFA. This map took me...
You cant add trees ultimateslayer, you just have to find an area in forgeworld that already has them. Looks like a really solid map Wednesday, ive...
This is quite a nice looking map, i have to agree about those skyscraper looking things, almost give it a bit of an urban feel to it.
I tried that too JDiggin, the jump to the top of the ramp the blue guy is on is impossible, however i managed to jump from the railing to the...
Yes i think Stevo has a good point, maybe try putting like an upside down T shaped tunnel at the bottom of the map between the 2 spawns and the...
Wow! This was always my favorite level from Halo:CE and you have really done it justice. Brings back alot of memories. If your looking for...
Thanks for checking it out, ill put some more spawns in when i have a break from working on my new map. I had the same thoughts but didnt really...
Just had a run around on it and its a pretty nice looking map! The aesthetics are great, there is some good jumps and no framerate issues or...
Hey mate, pretty nice looking map, probably wont get around to playing it til tomorrow but ill make sure i download it! The layout seems really...
Thanks alot jones, if you find any problems or have any suggestions let me know? Vince: There is kill zones around the top/outside of the map to...