I am going to try to fix it by sunday. If not then I won't make it.
Go here and sign up and post your GT in the Forge Tracks Section
Yea I heard you talking about the tornados. Im working on the site for FHGT Racing League / Forge Tracks
Thanks, This was the premiere and I'm going to have other people when I do the seperate videos. I am working on new rewinds and what not for jumps.
I think we have seen enough how many do you have to post. It gets noyying to everyone. Im glad that you did make things neater in your newer ones....
You need to add more pics cant tell much of the design of the mao from these. It also looks to be sloppy. Your interlocking is sloppy too.
Thats what it is susposed to be its called Forge Tracks we just show off any map you think is the best on forge hub. Click Here to go to origanal...
Warthogs? They might not be so great for the crypt. Just ghost would be beter. I also like the lay out of this map with the sniper spots. The...
YouTube - Forge Tracks - Premiere Tell me what you think here is the link to submit a map. Forge Tracks
Thats what i was just thinking. Yea ad a little background music too it to.
That one is better.
I can tell when watching the video where you ended it then copy and pasted to make it seem longer. I have worked with this before for my own...
The center peice for this map isn't too origanal but it makes the map stand out. For the Read and Blue lights in picture 3 you should hid them in...
Yea Snict is right he just telling you the difference. Don't stop bumping peoples maps if are going to post three maps just post a map pack. You'r...
Don't stop bumping peoples maps if are going to post three maps just post a map pack. You'r maps are sloppy too clean them up a litttle bit. It...
Yea thats it.
I got one. [IMG]
Idk I found it out of random no clue where it came from. It looks like a compass to me. Sandoff
This is what I found out of random. [IMG] Download Link B.Net File
I am going to try using these two ideas in one.