From Walshy's MLG blog........... I'm really interested in co-forging a map with someone with alot of experience since I don't know how to do...
This is ingenious.....:eek:
Anyone got a review on this?
Gameplays have been added to OP to show how it plays out. The gameplays star the maps major creator (Juxer), versus QsK's best 1v1 man. (Wes2000)....
This is one of the coolest "WTF?!?!?!" maps I have ever had people play. :D:cool:
LOL! Will do. Between the newborn being sick and work, not much time for Halo. :( EDIT: I also forgot that there is a "hidden feature" in the...
Thanks for the thread name change. (to whomever) And definitely thank you for your feedback. The reason I let the fence floors be after Juxer...
Thanks for all of the comments. I think we are going to release one (maybe 2) more versions and hold a poll on various sites about which one to...
So our (Juxer's and I) map has almost 120 DL's in just over 24 hours. And the most negative feedback we have gotten was replacing the Active Camo...
Sorry about the title. If a mod could change that, that would be great. The original inspiration did come from Warlock. BUT, if you play this...
Yeah, the fence bottom was originally designed so that you could see down to bottom mid to inhibit camping. Because there was originally supposed...
GAMEPLAYS ADDED!!! For those of you that actually enjoyed the MLG Warlock 1v1's of Halo 2, I bring you this map. Archetype V1. ar·che·type...
So anyhow, I am here to learn some Forge tricks. I am currently working on a more competitive arena styled map for 1v1's. Blackout and Guardian...