Well a game can't be "realistic" and fun at the same time. There has to be some sort of arcadeness to it. But BFBC:2 is a whole lot more...
Yeah, I've notice that feature too. They say it wont distract the players from the story and gameplay, but personlly I don't think they'll fit for...
I think this game would have a pretty awesome multiplayer, one that most people would be playing for a long time. The fact that just the campaign...
Yeah, they do have the resources and yeah they could of added female characters, but in doing so they would have to limit the customizable options...
Lmao! A life jacket and gardening gloves! Yeah, his face does look menacing...
I dunno about itunes, but if your xbox is connected to your home network and your computer is on, you can listen to any music that is on your pc....
Lol, they might as well throw in the whole package if players can already vault over and onto objects, then we might as be able to jump from a...
The date has been pushed to Q4 2010, I guess the exact date is September 27 as stated by Shihuru. Yes, it is very similiar to Mirror's Edge, but...
XBL was probably busy slamming the hammer on MW2 cheaters and glitchers and took them a while to get to you...
I didn't see why they had to take away the Spec Ops class. Its not like it was under used. I loved it, alot. The silenced smgs, the c4s, Did the...
Lol, You cant use the world **** in your bio? What if you used the word "ass" and was referring to a donkey? Or "*****" and you was only...
Yeah man, Dreamcast was the coolest! Im surprise that no one has voted for the saturn. I had that system when also. Sega was great, sucks how they...
Wow, awesome pics and description dude! Very cool! Valor form so looked badass, but when it comes to power, Final Form definitely takes the cake....
Im a recreational guy. I heard your gaming zone has something to do with the people who you playy with online. So basically, if you have your...
Dude, you made faith!? Now which faith are we talking about? Faith from Mirror's Edge? or Faith Evans? If you made faith from Mirror's edge, can...
Lol, i like the second picture. What if they really had machinices like that! I'd be like the first person to ever use it, lmao...
Thats great. Sometimes too much of a change can ruin something great. I don't know, maybe Forgehub can start like a forgehub games. It could be...
Aaa, yes excellent point. I didn't notice the strafing. One can literally camp the hallways with the sniper rifle...
I was talking about the post, not your map. If you are going to post a map, you are required to have at least 1 or 3 pictures, I think, along with...
As far as I can tell it looks like a gutted version of the MLG Great wall map. There just doesn't look like there is anything in the map. It looks...