pop some champagne BITCHES
. wat?
Bad ugly blending, wierd colors, unreadable text, zero flow, you get the point. New sig nao.
Has anyone seen away we go? I would like to see a review before I go see it.
That's cuz we love u.
no it's impossible... u were supposed to be dead GODDAM INDIAN BURIAL GROUNDS ****ING UP REALITY!!!!!11ONE11!1eleven!1
I wish I was better at illustrator because I really want to be able to do stuff that nice. Very amazing.
I remember you. Well your name at least.
YouTube - Gymnast Shawn Johnson Put To Sleep After Breaking Leg lol the onion is win My sister is a gymnast and she loves Shawn Johnson so this...
o lol Yeah... i'll try tonight... I'm goin to my friend's pool now.
no i haz come back yesterday i'll do ur sig soon
i suppose who is this donii nub below me? lawl
Dude that thing was badass. That toucan.
no i do not... i haven't played in a while and i don't have any points srry
why yes i do sir
u be trollin?