Pretty good blending in this sig and nice bg 2. Also very nice smudging. Only thing I don't like is the border. Doesn't work so well here b/c it...
Donii... you piss me off. I don't really like it. Zero blending, LQ render, blurry without depth... The circles are nicely placed, but they are...
happy birthday
U be cool and maek me birthday thread? i reward u with cake that not be lie
not now pic of jesus be gone lol Maek thread
i shall only reveal when you make me bday thread I CAN HAZ BDAY THREAD
Make me birthday thread or i'll chop the protruding part of your knees off.
y thank u
It would appear that way, but perhaps my creature was born that way? Duh.
cnc fail cnc fail CNC WIN!
Exactly what the thread name would suggest. And it looks better if you step back a bit. And yes, Tigerlady was born with a backwards left hand....
Front page? Is bull. lol
I didn't know that Frag Man's warnedness had a sexual preference. That aside I don't believe Frag made this. Where's the anime render? Where's...
Give it a ****ing chance before it comes out guys. Keep in mind there have been no public tests of NATAL yet, so you have no idea how it will...
bwahaha jesus be gone now take that scope
It were joke.
Hey my fellow Jewish Brother. Have a good time in teh mothaland.
I'm surprised I've only seen Ferris Bueler's Day Off once on this whole list. That's a classic. How about Star Trek 2: WoK? lol
Hi. Don't worry about squidhands. His appendages shall not trouble you.