I have been throwing around an idea for a while, respawning with a random set of weapons is NICE, but what about having any amount of CONTROL over...
I agree that vehicles should be turned on, the visual benefits of having it off don't out way the game play benefits of having it on. As for tank...
i believe you forgot the round information, 4 rounds, 10 minutes each, random zombies to start, aside from that, I think that's everything.
I haven't really worked on human gravity, but 150% sounds good
75%, this way the zombies have an easier time hitting humans
one last correction to the listed game type, zombie strength should be 50%, this makes the humans take 12-15 hits, and the 200% tank dmg stays,...
The hunter could lose the grav lift if need be, but, with out that feature, are we keeping the classes of hunter (camo), and mini horde...
its ok, if we don't talk about the ideas we have and the problems we see, we hurt the project, I would rather have critizim and a good product,...
-fine we can lose the name just tried to see if something would work -4 rounds sounds about right and I support your reasoning -the reason for 2*...
Ok me and meta's current set up looks like this (if a stat isn't listed its default)...
by spawn times, you mean to limit the amount of infected of a type AT ONE TIME, just for clarification. By doing this you increase the number of...
one thing still up for debate however is the spawn rate of infected, (your chance of being a certain type), in my opinion we should use a small...
one word, size, ever try building a large building in skybox? say 8*8 squares +, good, then add in more levels to the game, suddenly if you want...
then my previous argument is unusable, will anyone join me in supporting custom shaped items for the release of mythic map pack part 2?
they only edit a map when there is a large outcry (in my example, the regular hornet being overpowered), so will anyone help me in promoting the...
then wouldn't it be possible to replace a current item with a new one? ie: the transport hornet replacing the regular hornet on avalanche
i was flipping through all the items for forge, and i noticed i REALLY wanted one thing, a custom shaped block, before anyone says "that's...
wait, what? you have the zombies set up that practically one hit from ANYTHING will kill them, and dont get me started on the problems of one...
By vampirism do you mean shield vampirism? I don't quite see if that would be good for the build, as limited health encourages one good attack not...
just make sure you scale up the defense to whatever the knew attack rating is, remember humans should take 10-15 sword melees to drop shields and...