This seems to be realy cool, I love asset, and this will probbally only be better. And the idea of having a Tank helping you, also looks...
Well, I like the idea of the 4 maps in 1, but me and and my friends only wanted to play Acceleration. Sumo was kinda boring, just because it was...
I tried to make one, but it turned out in nothing. There is not enough room, and no good forge object. I think herictic is a great map, but not so...
I think that infection is just fun for the one with the good camping spot. I also hate it that safe one bullet always get voted, while Brains is...
This map looks realy great, and I like the idea how to make the flood looks real. Although, isn't the map too dark? I played this map in forge,...
Wow, thank you guys. =D And yes, I hope I can post my first real map in about 1-2 weeks, I'm working at it now. This one is also with alot of...
10, a while ago I was just setting it higher and higher, till 10. Now I'm used to it.
[IMG] No, he doesnt look close to me, but he is everything what I want to be. I think it is awesome to have a red afro, being fat and small, and...
I find sniping with a therminal/Heartbeat very good, large magazines, and I can aim verry well with my therminal. Only big issue that I...
Well, when I signed in to Xbox live, I had another name than Corflakes Sam. Although, everybody called me too the first name of my ex-gamertag, so...
Hi, I'm Cornfalkes Sam. I've joined Forge Hub because I was viewing the forum for a long time, but I never made an acount. Wel, one day I just...
I liked this map a lot, and i have played it also much. The only big problem came out when the two last people died at the same time, so I had to...
I've played this map, and it was realy awesome. I liked the huge jumps realy much, and the sharp turns were also verry good. The hardest part was...
I realy like this map, and it was fun to play, especialy when we took a new friend with us to see how he would get owned by the traps. =P But...
This map is incredeble nice forged, I realy enjoyed playing on it. Everything is well forged, and I like the huge amounts of details. Also did I...
This map is awesome, but when we play it, I saw 2 things wich needed to get inproved. -The reactor is far to hard to get in. It is even hard...