The rules are no equipment, no killstreaks, only melee attacks.
very nice. the colors in the after picture are much more vibrant and the snow looks very realistic. If If I only saw the after picture I wouldn't...
The best I have done is 11. this is freaking hard. so far the most annoying thing about it has been the dual shotgun noobs because they are almost...
I've joined the challenge have you? YouTube- Knife Only Tactical Nuke MW2 Multiplayer Challenge (Kill em all)
I followed a tutorial and came out with this image: [IMG] please tell me what you think. the tutorial: YouTube- Photoshop Tutorial: iTunes Style...
Heres the newest signature I have made: [IMG] The background is made up of a mixture of C4ds and multiple images. Please tell me what you think...
over 500 dollars, an ipod nano, halo 3 odst, a new xbox 360 controller, a kicking awesome bike, a new phone, and a lot of other stuff.
I have a simple question. I want to uploada signature but when i do they are always very crappy quality. What size and file type is the best to...
I like almost everything about this, the only thing i don't like are the flames. The rest of the signature looks great. The flames seem very out...
I made this image: [IMG] and I was wondering if anyone could give me tips. I used gimp to make this.
ummm... you have very weird freinds. I guess it's ok, but even using ms paint you can do much better. here is an example of a pro ms paint user:...
I think you did a good job on this. The lighting effects are cool. The only thing I dont like is the cloning because the floating helmet and knife...
I'm xCoveredingravy, I chose my name because I saw a username suggestion and it had to do with gravy, and I thought "I like gravy, that seems like...
nice grammar...
Are you serious??!?!?! I did use gimp and how could you think in a million years someone could make this with paint?!?! what is wrong with you?!...
I made this new signature. I think it is my best yet but I would like to know what you think. It is "Starkiller" from "Star Wars, The Force...
Kind of scary with the white eyes... but really nice otherwise. (p.s that was sarcasm, I know the eyes are white because you haven't finished them)
These are all really nice ad I don't see many better. The one with the pirate is the coolest. The only problem I have is that the text is way to...
Thats a really nice signature and the best Ive seen made with the stock pack yet. good job. The dudes helmet looks like an E.V.A helmet with that...
I made this signature and I want to know what you think. please leave a comment. [IMG]