I put 'banked' in quotation because it's not banked, it's just a regular curve that's been rotated. Banked implies more of a Nascar or oval track...
Gamertag: Jolan Times you can get on: Usually around 12:00am - 5:00 am Mountain (Gmt - 0700) Mic yes/no?: Yes Something describing yourself: I...
Oh ok, good ideas. But that rules link you posted does not mention Gametypes. Like, how would a new person (myself) have thought of posting a...
The "Huge Hill" at the start has no obstacles, leads to no ramps and before you even get to the 'banked' curve you are already back down to 75,...
The very first jump (checkpoint 1) the landing doesn't line up well and I keep tumbling off the track. I understand I could just take it slowly...
There are too many straight sections. This is not Forza, where your car goes 200km/h. These strips make the track very monotonous. Also the ramp...
Your fileshare links are wrong, they link to the general fileshare page. As for posting a map pack, if anyone tries to look it up in the...
Actually I didn't have any problem with them at all, they were perfect! The only issues I have with this track are that some of the curves come up...
This medium-length track is very smooth with enough turns and non-track details to keep it entertaining. The blocks are placed well and the...
Really good track! At first I thought the checkpoints were badly placed and the ramps were sloppy but then I teleported to the ocean and laughed...
The blocks don't smoothly fit together The color sphere is annoying on the eyes and sometimes I cannot see the track Checkpoint 6 spawns me...
Flashies: When there are more than one pieces overlapping each other and the textures are flickering. Jolan's Review: The good: It's a good...
Oh cleaver! I thought maybe the floor was just deep enough for vehicle height.
Great fun when used with any Quake, Doom or Unreal Tournament remakes. 200% run; No Loadout; No Grenades; 90% jump height; Bottomless clip;...
Looks pretty good although I fear the thought of flashies on the road pieces..
I checked off "Multi Flag" because I couldn't see a regular generic "Capture the Flag" box. It doesn't necessarily need the custom gametype, but...
It doesn't necessarily need the custom gametype, but works well just the same. This is a remake of deathmatch 3 from Quake 3 Arena - "Arena of...
Track looks super! Tough break about the music though.
Your download link is faulty....