[IMG] Well I finally found someone with recon to help me with the armor fusions If you want to see more go HERE DOWNLOAD LINK
fine the pic will be up here in a sec and how to use it does that work?
Ok well I posted this on bungie.net in THIS THREAD anyways in the thread you will see 30+ pictures and even Recon fusions. anyways you can...
basicly two turrets are on the exact same spot. We both get in and bam it looks like our armors are fused. The map is also on the thread
Ok I took out the 20+ pic in the title thing
The rest are in the thread like I said its a collection of 20+ fused armor types
Also yes that is Iron Man
[IMG]This is just an example of the kinds of armor I made with the fusion glitch there are 20+ more in the thread PLEASE COMMENT ON THE B.NET...
Thanks for all the feed back guys. But remember it also help the thread stay alive on b.net if you post a reply in the thread
thanks for all the feedback guys I now have a BR one on my file share if you prefer BR's more
hey guys remember to post a reply in the thread aswell
Ok well was messing around with effects and equiptment and got this awesome screen [IMG] Thread (please comment on it)
yeah i was going to do that for v2.5 to just polish it and add some more things to make it look alot neater
im working on that for a entirley new Evolution map it will be WAYYYY diffrent but i need some help
Well i realized that I could make things spawn at different time...after tying this out a few time to make sure it worked i decided to work on a...
sounds cool when your doen i will download
i never care about rank in anything lol
looks cool I will downlaod it