Elites work for this but if you want elite/spartan the map will be up with in the week
Thanks. I cant wait to see what people will make using my map :P
trust me 3 is hard enough with syncing people 4 would be horrible XD
lol thanks man. and if you could can you guys comment on the b.net thread? I mean just a favor but it needs comments to stay alive (also its...
video will be up shortly guys
Hey guys I might release the elite/spartan map today
used a thing I call Armor Fusion. Its where you have 2 turrets inside eachother and get 2 people inside of them. I posted the map on here some where
thanks :P Alsod guys im trying to show everyone elses screen shots off in the main thread on b.net I posted so far I alone made 30+ pics (not...
Well I already have the recon pic in the screen shot section but I dont think the map would fit in the screenshot section XD
Ok well since the last one got locked because the picture was not of the map I got a new pic showing it [IMG] Now here is what that does...
thanks guys and remember to comment on the main bungie.net thread so more people can see this
Im releasing the elite/spartan one later first I have to fine tune the 3way map.
lol thanks also while your on the armor fusion thread please comment on it because threads on b.net die in like 2 sec
I just placed one set it so it doesnt spawn at the start then place another one on top
I did this using my armor fusion map. I have amny more pics like this. I posted the map on the maps thread. Also if you want a quick link to the...
A friend with recon helped me also i combined them via this map XD
well if you take it from the correct angle it will just make it look like a giant spartan
Well that requires the new map im making for elite/spartan fusions. I am also making a 3 way fusion one too. They both need some fine tuning though
lol This actually made it to Halo.bungie.org too :P Hopefully it gets a news thing here or something :P Also guys im posting community fusion in...
lol thx