LINK The golf Club can be picked up by humans! If you look at the picture he has secondary colors and there is no blue grid so he is in no way on...
All the Sandbox objects! Also we get a golf ball too XD
Its been awhile since I posted here lol. Anyways I just wanted to say thanks for all the downloads guys :P
well we know it wasnt intentional but its kinda obvious that it looks like one XD
Looks good. But the middle kinda looks like a **** symbol XD dont know why just does to me
No problem. I plan on having a Best Of Community Fusion Contest sometime this month with a prize of 1600 MS points :P
indeed lol
yeah reasoning behind it would be good lol. I mean now this map is even getting bad ratings when most people seem to like it XD
idk Im pretty sure one person did it on the last one too. Not saying they dont have the right to vote bad though
what would be the point? Its not saposed to be a full fledged map its a screen shot only map but still a map. Its like saying add a base to a blue...
pretty much, people where having problems with the first one on syncing up so I put the CP there to make it easy
I know modding is very easy ever since the .con resigner came out anyone can do it I can if I want to but choose not to because I want to play the...
There is nothing on the map so it shouldnt take to long to get there regardless lol
Hey if you guys wouldnt mind comments on the main thread would be nice XD
lol yeah I got spammed for my own idea too lol. I either get a *OMFG YOU GOT RECONZ FOR THAT* or *OMFG HOW DID YOU GETZ THAT ARMORZ*
nope, I will try later though
yes I made a post about it somewhere on here but if you are to lazy to look just click on the main thread
trust me its hard as it is that would just be a giant cluster**** lol
Yep the third and probobly last armor fusion map is done. This time you can now add up to 3 or 4 people to fusions or just do a regular 2 way one....
you cant mod like that obviously you know nothing of modding. the only way you can do something like that is .map modding which is impossible at...