Expect more leaked pictures guys. maybe a video even. Also im hoping this is actually its own thing or something like cold storage was on bungie day.
This is it. apparently it was leaked from a ODST beta going on in the PartnerNET service (the online service for Dev Kits)
[IMG]Enjoy! Comparison Picture [IMG]
VERY well done map. I love the lay out of the weapons and how the map plays. This should be featured. Best Sandbox map ive played so far. 5/5!...
The only thing I see needing to be fixed here is the downed pelican place. Other than that I enjoy it alot. Though the exit of the teleporter on...
feels like an inverted relic but Relic non the less. Great job. There are a few things you can probobly fix but still 5/5 also I love how you go...
If you've been wanting to plan your assault on Sandbox and graph paper isn't cutting it, why not check out WhtButterflyLiz's awesome Sandbox...
awesome repost when its finished. Also try to make the path ways slightly bigger they are way to thin right now and i know you still have a decent...
Ok after playing there are quite a bit of things needing to be fixed. mainly the walk ways.
There are something that shold be interlocked like the sword spawn area. I will try it out when I get home but im sure you can fix it up a bit
You should put it up soon me and my friends really want to play
What im going to do with it is make like a mid to large sized town map on the sky bubble and the zombie will have to chase down people with the...
shhhhh >.>
Listen to what they say half way through
Here is your link :D You will here them mention it in the middle of the video. Dont know why they mention it while playing assembly though lol
DL links not working?
the 1up people said it was the same as the hammer just skinned and called it the gravityclub so im assuming it still does dammage
IGN has confirmed the gold club is a skined version of the hammer! So this will make for some funny game types :D
Im sure you can still assassinate people with the club
I was thinking a serial killer game type where the zombie HAS to assassinate with the golf club and he is slightly invisable