im doing two maps from quake live arena of death and almost lost
BANSHEE IS OUT sniper is in SPARTAN LAZER IS OUT rockets are in. 8) ill get new pics soon
no he isnt you newb i finished rome
its different than that tuggo war and its better than the matchmaking version i don't want to disclose to much info. btw rifte nice we should play...
its my map smart one 8)
hey guys ive started working on the regen version of ouranos!!!!!
sure ill do that in a bit right now i gotta work on a debate NEW SHOTTTTTTTS
thanks for your imput so far the banshee has proved almost useless since the spartan lazer is well placed. and the map may look open but it really...
Ouranos was the ancient Greek titan of the sky in fact he was the sky. he was also the first male and he was very horny. he had so me...
i dont get special thanks for moral support 8(
nice job crypto keep it up
i have open nat benw i hsve the fost flexible network.
no im having this problem to and i only have 72 custom files
hill and flag is all we got done after a few test crypto could you get the areocrest picture up there ? and when your done on my map just send me...
awemazing map i would mind to play this with you guys one time ill get a few games going on this and give it t you in greater detail. nice job...
ill help 8) send me a fr
crypto are u done the rails?
aerocrest is ill have it in my file share in a bit
@ crypto why not at start of game just have a group of never re-spawn fusion coils spawn
rustoms this weekend saturday 7pm est im hoting 8)