Wouldn't some1 just want to play normal Grifball? And are the scaffolds just for scenery or do they have a point? Also, there are way to many holes.
Looks okay. It is a little small though. You might want to expand it. Also, there is no point of the fusion coils.
Please include pictures. They are required when post map. Pictures will also increase your downloads.
Couldn't people just use a OLN canvas instead of a OLN canvas with just spawn points? Might want to remove this beacuse of uselessness.
TOO MANY POWER WEAPONS!!!!! Interlocking would extremely help. You might want to remake this map.
Looks okay. One thing is that it is hard for the zombies. All of those turrets=zombies *Dead Face* You might want to get rid of a few turrets.
Looks okay. This reminds me of some map that was on Bungie Favorites about a month ago. It was on Foundry and their was basically a pit of death...
Looks okay. One bad thing is that it looks really hard for the zombies to win. It looks like they're just going to get pinned down by turrets and...
I'm sorry but I would never play this map. It is WAY too small to support any gameplay. You can walk from one side to the other in like 5 seconds....
I personally do not like these maps. When I played them with my friends I got pissed off. When you're zombie you're screwed. The humans easily...
Looks okay. It looks like you didn't put much effort into this map. Next time take time to interlock or geomerge more, which will increase the...
Looks cool. One issue though is that it is really small. It also looks like you can spawn kill the other team by just staying at your base. Like a...
Looks like an okay map. One thing that I noticed is that it looks like it is really hard for the zombies to kill the humans. You might want to...
It looks like an okay map to play with friends. One thing I don't like about it is that every weapon is spawned. You should just make it random...
I hate Bungie and their OLN!!! It ruins so many maps... I also understand that the smallness makes for more strategizing, which is good and makes...
Looks awesome. Nice use of merging. Also where do the zombies spawn because I did not notice a pitcure of it.
Im sorry but what message am I supposed to respond to. I do not remember even messaging u in the first place. If I did message u please send...
:( why don't u people put pictues, links, and descriptions? No pictures=Not many people will download No links=It is harder to download the map...
Sorry man but I think Duck Hunt is WAY better. You had good ideas but u just can't beat Duck Hunt. In Duck Hunt u can kill the zombie, but u can't...
OMG this map is amazing!!! I love playing this map with my friends. The openable door that spawns in like 45 seconds was a great idea. The random...