LOL. Nice pictures. I guess that is what they meant when they said, "Use your head."
Okay Screenshot. It is a good first screenshot for sure. You should have point the sniper at us in the screenshot though.
Okay pictures. My favorite ones are the first two. Avoid bland pictures like the other four.
Sweet Screenshot!! The red really gives it a nice tinge to it. Keep taking awesome Pictures!!!
All of the screenshots are amazing. My favorite by far is "Frost." Keep making good Pictures!!
Post Pictures!! In the rules it states, "You must have one embeded picture on yuor thread." Pictures=More downloads+more comments!!
Okay pictures. They could have been set up a little better though.
LOL. Nice picture, "Chief is a Necropheliac."
Your pictures make me :( They are all so bland. Make something that takes time to do instead of easy pictures like this.
OMG I be tripin' Nice screenshot!! Oh! What did you use to make it?
Okay screenshots. They are good pictures if you were using them just as a test.
Sweet screenshot!!! Hmmm What did you use to make it?
Pretty cool pictures. And if your having troubles getting on the boat use a dumpster to fly onto it.
I think they are a little bland. They are just pictures that are really easy to take.
Man I can't see anything in that small screenshot. Resize it and maybe and look at it later.
Cool pictures. The grid on the first two pictures looks sweet.
It kind of looks like you use the same thing over and over again. Othervise, these are okay screenshots.
Nothing new about this pic. Try to find something more original.
:( The screenshot is bland. All you're doing is taking a picture of the moon...
AHHH!!!!] I can barely see the spartan. Isn't the point of the screenshot to see the Spartan? Sorry man 2/5.