Bugging you? I think I may have sent you a friend reuqest, but I dont recall bugging you, and if I did sorry. Yeah, I know the spawn area is...
Yeah I played with you today when we were testing that map made by Kapura and I'm friends with GD27 Shockwave.
Actually, I think one of your maps could easilly be picked. They are a challenge but are super fun and well made!
Hey! Did you hear that Tranquilizer got picked as one of the maps on TGIF? I'm really happy that one of the moderators decided to pick that while...
Oh wow, thats great dude I was trying to get into Sarges party but I didnt get a chance, but I'm glad this got picked! And for the dumpster idea,...
He intentionally put overpowered battletracks weapons. It was meant as a joke, but somehow the gameplay is still great with all of those. And for...
Thanks alot dude, what you said really makes me feel good about this creation :) I'm currently working on a racetrack on Blackout, and then after...
I'll just copy/paste my message from forginggrounds. Fantastic map. I'm glad I got the chance you help you build this [IMG] Here are my personal...
Okay, you guys have got to understand that this isn't meant to be a real racetrack to race with other people, it's meant to be a ROLLER COASTER!...
Here is my video for an amazing custom map called Epoch, created by JEEF12364! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3Nj0yGUqEM&feature=channel_page...
Yeah, I agree Meltdown is probally still better then this and is WAY better for its age :) I'm glad you like this and I DID pee myself when I saw...
OMFG that looks soo cool! By far the best Sandbox creation I have seen yet I give you gratz knight now I just peed myself like you did to my track...
Yeah, I agree with checkpoint placement is weird, but it's definitly the best spot I could have put it. If I were to put it lower in the steep...
Yeah, maybe if I find time, we could. The method I usually use is using respawn points one on each end lined up with the edges of the object I'm...
Download:http://www.bungie.net/Online/Halo3UserContentDetails.aspx?h3fileid=70611875 Map Name: Tranquilizer Map Creator(s): iTz Flair...
This track looks pretty good. I agree with DRST, it does look alot like my map Salberd, but it still looks cool! The elevator does look a bit...
Wow, I'm really glad your liking my racetracks I'm building! :) Yeah, my first racetrack was Flipside and you can see that I have improved from...
OMG, this looks awsome! I see no flaws in this, and am happy to say it should work fine for BT! The length is very long and the interlocking is...
This map looks sick for your first map dude! On Sandbox, it's a bit hard to tell if there is interlocking or tell if it is neat or not. It does...
That is plainly opinion. A twist isn't neccecarily fun in a racetrack. I know what you mean, no elevator or no really steep ramp or anything but...