Your entire post does not meet the forgehub standards, please fix the pictures, organize the post a bit more and give more of a detailed...
Hey NAID, I'm really glad you joined FH I can't wait for you to post all of your amazing maps. You should post Converge since that is your best...
omg, you finished it (happy face) I really like how you finished it off it was great collaborating with you on this map. I am still on holidays...
Finally, the masterpeice has been completed. After four months of working on this map, you have finally finished it and I think it paid off well....
I would be glad to, they are all amazing racetracks and well deserve a video from me :) I'll attempt to get some BT gameplay and some sick editing...
This map looks very good. From the looks of the pictures, all is well built and looks like a blast to play BT on! Here are my personal thoughts on...
I'm glad you finished this map, it turned out very good! The aesthetics looks amazing but my favorite part is the tunnel by far. It is all very...
I used every possible object exept for energy barriers, which are not very compatible with good racetracks. How could I have gotten it longer,...
The video is up, here is the link I hope you enjoy! YouTube - Halo 3 Sandbox Racetrack - Cherry Kiss by Rogue Shaddo
I hate to argue, but that is that stupidest comment I've ever heard. Your the only person I've ever heard say this map is boring, and I dont think...
And what does "it" mean?... I'll take that as criticism, but I would really appreciate if you used real terms and gave me some constructive...
Alright, sure but even if he does make a video for it you wouldent mind two videos would you?
Hey look at the comment I posted on your Cherry Kiss racetrack, would you mind if I made a video for it? Msg me back if your interested, Im...
Gotta start off by saying why would you name such a good racetrack Cherry Kiss? Honestly Shaddo :P The racetrack looks great, some have been...
DL has been fixed, sorry about that. Perhaps I took the screenshot of the watchtower base turn at a wrong angle? I completely ran out of objects...
Wow, way to reply on your map when its like a couple weeks old...
I'll just copy/paste my message from forginggrounds :) This map is awsome. I'm glad that I got the opporunity to help you make this [IMG] Here...
This looks exactly like the original predator map, exept a few things look like they are just moved around. Either you were inspired alot, or you...
I have no idea what you meant in the first part of the comment, could you please explain a bit better? Who is Chad lol?... I'm glad you like this,...
I just fixed the whole spawn area problem. I just bordered it all around, so players cannot be pushed off :) And I also fixed a few minor...