lol @ petes face after the train crashes
ಠ_ಠ jjjjjjjjjjjjj
ಠ_ಠ poop poop poop invisible poop song that nemi will never find becayse her is dumb poop poop poop oh and if i make spelling mistakes its because...
idk but that was so funny lmao xD
if you came here to see them bashed then click back because they dont haha :3333
pete's hair in beat it looks so cool. you should try out "hum hallelujah" and "you're crashing but you are no wave" from fall out boys latest...
[IMG] those are onigiri not sushi :D
if you like metal ... :/ you should listen to "hum hallelujah" and "you're crashing but you are no wave" by fall out boy and then say bullet for...
PETE WENTZ!!!!!!!! [IMG]
its just the internet so it doesnt really matter.. it's actually really fun to annoy people on halo lol
cool i downloaded the sandtrap one its reallly cool
i saw this video on youtube where a guy fried a egg inside the xbox!!!!!! lollll no i could feel how hot the fan was it was like twice as hot as...
that's what happened to my old xbox. but before the video stopped the graphics got all weird and funky oh and if you take the faceplate off you...
the first two posts are completely hard as hell to understand. but yeah... one time i used the duplicate item glitch inside of a house and...